Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The story of the slaying of the Mata at Newgrange - is this Ireland's original creation myth?

Some interesting thoughts on the story of the slaying of the monster known as The Mata, which took place at Newgrange. The monster was said to have been torn limb from limb and thrown into the Boyne. Is this Ireland's original creation myth?


  1. Interesting stuff - I'm working on the same material. Lady Gregory must get her information on the Mata from the Rennes Dindshenchas (http://archive.org/stream/revueceltique15pari#page/292/mode/2up) where we read that the Mata was like a tortoise.

  2. Edward O'Reilly in his Irish English Dictionary gives the meaning of mat/mata as pig and cause. It seems as though she may be the primal animal from which the universe was made, as Audhumbla was for the Norse. That may mean it is an very ancient creation myth as you say.
